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Sustainable Finance advisor


Financial Sector Deepening Africa

"Long-term debt financing in Africa is a problem…and an opportunity"

Blog with Vimal Parmar and Michael Fuchs

"Long-term debt financing in Africa is a problem…and an opportunity"

Long-term Finance



"Introducing the Africa Long-term Finance Initiative Website"

Presentation of the Africa Long-term Finance Initative Website

"Introducing the Africa Long-term Finance Initiative Website"

Long-term Finance


Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A)

"Long-Term Finance is critical for attracting patient capital in developing sustainable African economies"

Blog with Michael Fuchs, Vimal Parmar, and Abdelkader Benbrahim

"Long-Term Finance is critical for attracting patient capital in developing sustainable African economies"

Long-term Finance


Næringsliv Norge

ESG i verdsettelse – hvorfor og hvordan?

Reference to the Valuation Guide "Bærekraft til hvilken pris?"

ESG i verdsettelse – hvorfor og hvordan?

Sustainable Finance



23rd Annual African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) Conference

Presentation of the Africa Long-term Finance Initiative

23rd Annual African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) Conference

Long-term Finance


Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

FIE402 Corporate Finance

MSc Course Spring + Fall 2019, Fall 2020

FIE402 Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance


SSRN Working paper No. 3059128

“Do index funds’ family ties benefit the firms they own?”

Research Paper

“Do index funds’ family ties benefit the firms they own?”

Fund Management


Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

34th Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance

Presentation of the research paper "Nascent Markets: understanding the success and failure of new stock markets"

34th Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance

Financial markets


RSM Discovery

“What makes new stock markets successful?”

Presentation of the research paper "Nascent Markets: understanding the success and failure of new stock markets", with Mathijs A. van Dijk

“What makes new stock markets successful?”

Financial markets



American Economics Association (AEA) Annual Meeting 2017

Poster of the research paper "Nascent Markets: understanding the success and failure of new stock markets"

American Economics Association (AEA) Annual Meeting 2017

Financial markets


CEPR Working Paper No. DP11604

"Nascent Markets: Understanding the Success and Failure of New Stock Markets"

Research paper with Thorsten Beck, Peter A.G. van Bergeijk, and Mathijs A. van Dijk

"Nascent Markets: Understanding the Success and Failure of New Stock Markets"

Financial markets



NORSIF Guide to ESG Integration in Fundamental Equity Valuation

Book with Annie Bersagel, Carsten Bienz, Aksel Mjøs, Marte Siri Storaker and Isabelle Juillard Thompsen

NORSIF Guide to ESG Integration in Fundamental Equity Valuation

Sustainable Finance


Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)/ Norske Finansanalytikeres Forening (NFF)

Sustainable Financial Analysis

Executive MBA Course Fall 2020 - Fall 2023

Sustainable Financial Analysis

Sustainable Finance


African Development Bank

Africa Long-term Finance Initiative

Financial Development Expert for the Africa Long-term Finance Initiative

Africa Long-term Finance Initiative

Long-term Finance


Praktisk økonomi & finans 02 / 2021 (Volum 37)

“Bærekraft til hvilken pris?”

Book Chapter with Annie Bersagel, Carsten Bienz, Aksel Mjøs, Marte Siri Storaker, and Isabelle Juillard Thompsen

“Bærekraft til hvilken pris?”

Sustainable Finance


New Orleans

Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting 2019

Presentation of the research paper "Do index funds' family ties benefit the firms they own?"

Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting 2019

Fund Management


Erasmus University Rotterdam

"Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity”

Presentation of the research paper “The political consequences of financial market development: Evidence from the opening of African stock exchanges”

"Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity”

Financial markets



Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting 2017

Presentation of the research paper "Do index funds' family ties benefit the firms they own?"

Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting 2017

Fund Management


World Bank Blog

“Nascent stock exchanges - tales of success and failure.”

Blog with Thorsten Beck, Peter A.G. van Bergeijk, and Mathijs A. van Dijk

“Nascent stock exchanges - tales of success and failure.”

Financial markets


MeJudice Blog

“Wat verklaart het succes en falen van prille aandelenbeurzen? ”

Blog with Thorsten Beck, Peter A.G. van Bergeijk, and Mathijs A. van Dijk

“Wat verklaart het succes en falen van prille aandelenbeurzen? ”

Financial markets


The Economist

“Africa’s stock exchanges meet but size holds them back.”

Reference to the research paper "Nascent markets: understanding the success and failure of new stock markets".

“Africa’s stock exchanges meet but size holds them back.”

Financial markets



European Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meeting 2016

Presentation of the research paper "Nascent Markets: understanding the success and failure of new stock markets"

European Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meeting 2016

Financial markets


Financial Sector Deepening Africa

"Why long-term finance is vital to Africa – and how data can unlock it"

Blog with Vimal Parmar and Michael Fuchs

"Why long-term finance is vital to Africa – and how data can unlock it"

Long-term Finance


Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

FIE459 Sustainable Finance

MSc Course Fall 2021 - 2024

FIE459 Sustainable Finance

Sustainable Finance


Stoff Magasin

"Penger kan skape grønne enger"

Interview by Kaspara Stoltze and Mats Vederhus

"Penger kan skape grønne enger"

Sustainable Finance



Introduksjon til Norsif-veileder for ESG i verdsettelse

Presentation of the Valuation Guide "Bærekraft til hvilken pris?"

Introduksjon til Norsif-veileder for ESG i verdsettelse

Sustainable Finance


Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

4th Center for Corporate Finance Conference

Presentation of the research paper "Do index funds' family ties benefit the firms they own?"

4th Center for Corporate Finance Conference

Fund Management


University of South Australia

“Politics, Stock Markets and the Economy”

Presentation of the research paper “The political consequences of financial market development: Evidence from the opening of African stock exchanges”

“Politics, Stock Markets and the Economy”

Financial markets


Work in progress

"The political consequences of financial market development: Evidence from the opening of African stock exchanges"

Research paper with Mathijs A. van Dijk

"The political consequences of financial market development: Evidence from the opening of African stock exchanges"

Financial markets

Read more



International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

Presentation of the research paper "Nascent Markets: understanding the success and failure of new stock markets", with Mathijs A. van Dijk

International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

Financial markets


Oxford Business Law Blog

“Understanding the Success and Failure of Nascent Stock Exchanges.”

Blog with Thorsten Beck, Peter A.G. van Bergeijk, and Mathijs A. van Dijk

“Understanding the Success and Failure of Nascent Stock Exchanges.”

Financial markets



“Nascent stock exchanges: Explaining success and failure.”

Blog with Thorsten Beck, Peter A.G. van Bergeijk, and Mathijs A. van Dijk

“Nascent stock exchanges: Explaining success and failure.”

Financial markets

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